Friday, July 10, 2009

Mid Summers Day

It's one of the fun summeR days. You wake up, eat breakfast, watch sOme t.v,check out some bloggs, and then rush ouT the door for thr high school to get evaluated. Now whilE you are in the high schOol you think it is odd becuase it is summer and You don't want to be in a school. When Emily was getting evalUated, my mom and I toOk some neat pictures of the new dEsks that they goT. On our way home we got some Burger King and wondered why it isn't bUrger Queen. It was a fUn adventure, and gess what i have to go again on friday, but thIs time with Tom:)! This will be intresting:P


  1. I love your blog so far! SUPER NEAT - just like you. You are so fun.

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! Enjoy!
